From staffing business to HR administration services, Certis Human Resource Services (HRS) has matched more than 2,500 job seekers with their ideal jobs and have become a trusted partner to more than 100 companies today.
As one of the first few Professional Employer Organisations (PEO) in Singapore, Certis HRS works through a co-employment arrangement and shares employer responsibilities with partner businesses. Whether you are a job seeker or a company seeking employees, Certis HRS is a one-stop solutions provider that can handle a wide variety of your complex HR challenges.
For Businesses

From temporary or contract staff to permanent employees, Certis HRS can find you the right candidate and seamlessly manage all your administrative HR needs.
We build long-term relationship with you by working closely at every step of the employment journey - from understanding your specific recruitment needs to providing customised human resource solutions.
For Job Seekers

Looking for a short-term position? Or the next step in your career? Certis HRS will join you in your journey towards your dream job.
Under Certis’ employment, you will also be able to enjoy better benefits compared to many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and can be assured that you will be given access to ample job opportunities across various industries.