Certis recognised for employee-centric technology at HRM Fest Awards 2022

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Certis recognised for employee-centric technology at HRM Fest Awards 2022

10 May 2022

Certis recognised for employee-centric technology at HRM Fest Awards 2022

HR Fest Awards 2022, organised by HRM Asia, celebrates the outstanding achievements of the region’s top HR leaders, companies and teams from across both private and public sectors. Certis was shortlisted as a Finalist in the "Best Use of Technology", and it is a testament to our commitment to transforming and enhancing our employees' experience through the introduction of people-centric technology.

People-centric Technology to Expedite Administrative Tasks

Allegro is our all-in-one mobile app that allows our employees easy access to self-services such as leave applications and claim submissions. With built-in auto-approval that automates most certifications and processes, employees enjoy faster approvals and peace of mind. Backend employees also benefit from the reduction in manual certifications, with now more time to focus on strategic tasks and improve their productivity.

Evolving alongside the pandemic

To meet changing employee's needs during the pandemic, Allegro has introduced new features from temperature tracking to a BackToOffice ticketing system, and now ART reporting. To ensure our offices are not overcrowded, corporate employees can see how many tickets are available each day before applying to work at a certain location. Negative ART results are also easily uploaded through a user-friendly interface before heading back to the office. This helps us keep our employees safe, and by extension, the wider community.

Customised Learning and Development, Anytime, Anywhere

Within Allegro, employees get to access two other internal Certis apps — Learning Management System (LMS) tracks their learning with our in-house Certis Corporate University (CCU), while COMPASS supports conversations with supervisors regarding performance and career ambitions. Linking these apps together into a seamless solution is also intentional so that team members can conveniently monitor various aspects of their employee journey. At Certis, we are continuously innovating and looking for new ways to enhance employee experience through technology and build a culture of care around their needs.

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